Monday 28 April 2014

Final Preparation change

Due to recent change of ideas and lack of locations I had to change my idea for my final image. I was going to overlay one weapon in my photo this is because of location and crowd, I am still going to use a proper martial artsist to perform the moves for safety reasons.

I am still going to stick with the original plan with the multi layer photo and the martial arts theme, the only thing that is changing is the amount of weapons used in the photo shoot. My modle will be my twin sister, the reason for this is she can do martial arts, train in weapon marial arts and she' easier to get a hold of.

In some photos I will be in it; this is because of a limited amount of people I know who can do martial arts or properly use a weapon. Not all of my photos will have weapons in it, I want to experiment with hand to hand martial arts as well as weapons.

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