Monday, 31 March 2014

Eadweard Muybridge

Muybridge is another photographer who uses a fast shutter speed to make his photos. How he present his photos is by positioning them along side each other like a slide show or a flip book. The way Muybridge captures the photo is by getting the subject to perform a move and he captures the images with a very fast shutter speed to show what we can not see because the motion is too fast.
The most famous work this Muybridge had done was the photo of the horse running, this is because it shows that when the horse run it shows that the horse is fully of the ground in one point when it's running. This is my favourite photo because in each photo it shows a different photo that the camera has captured.
I think I would use the technique that Muybridge had use to present his photos as a un edited photo, this is because I want to show people what goes into a martial arts move that people don't see.

I like how Muybridge uses a really fast shutter speed to capture every motion in the movement. Some of his photos show motion in movement that we never see think about.
I don't think there is anything wrong with Mybridge's techniques. 

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